【Event Report】Tie-in, Tie Off: AVR Japan – Extended Reality (XR) in Industry, Learning, and Communication

A Night of True Magic and Hands-on Experience

On Thursday October 29. AVRJapan opened the doors to their offices right next to Tokyo Tower. Members of the NCCJ were invited to their state-of-the-art Extended Reality showroom, an open space with XR-tech from all over the world, which will allow visitors to experience a wide array of cutting edge technologies.

The evening started out with a welcome from Bjørne Hoff, XR Instructor at AVRJapan and board member at NCCJ, talking about AVRJapan’s mission and the capabilities of the Norwegian virtual learning platform Jespar by EON Reality in Hamar. CEO Alexander Gorbenco gave an engaging presentation with thorough explanations of what services and solutions AVRJapan can offer: An impressive product line tailored to train students, emergency responders, doctors, industrial workers, and engineers, how XR can improve the lives through enhancing communication abilities and mobility in the MedTech field, virtual conference rooms and halls with up to 400 people, virtual EXPOs and the endless entertainment possibilities in exercise and gaming.

There was allocated ample time for all participants to try the different VR-goggles and hand controllers – flying between cliffs and trees, a Jurassic Park tour, mountain climbing, performing surgery and floating around the International Space Station, to name a few. The evening ended with a networking session with drinks and snacks and engaging conversation continued about the endless possibilities across industries to implement XR-technology to increase efficiency, safety, sales and marketing.

The NCCJ wishes to thank AVRJapan for opening their doors to a very interesting night and we are excited to follow their coming activities.